Films playing on a loop in the Harlem Museum's Cinema Room:
January through May: Marking History's biopic about Oliver Norvell Hardy, The Lucky Dog, This is Your life! episode with Laurel & Hardy, The Hoose Gow, and Night Owls.
July through December: Marking History's biopic about Oliver Norvell Hardy, The Lucky Dog, Babes in Toyland (also called March of the Wooden Soldiers), Sons of the Desert, and Atoll K.
There are two photo options available to museum visitors: the display in the front entrance with Stan and Ollie riding in a Model T and the face cut-out display in the main exhibit space.
The "Where in the World were Laurel & Hardy" interactive is a world map that indicates various places Stan Laurel and Oliver N. Hardy visited and places important to Laurel & Hardy history.
This interactive covers part of the Georgia Standards of Excellence in Social Studies: SSKH2, SSKH3, SSKG1, SSKE1, and SSKE2.
This interactive on the Harlem Museum side usually has a question that visitors can answer. It changes periodically so visit us to see new questions!
Find out how and why Harlem was founded. We were incorporated as a city shortly after the Civil War. How we got our name is an interesting little story as well. Join us on a journey through time.
As the first incorporated city in Columbia County, Georgia, Harlem was a trendsetter from its founding in 1872 through the early 20th Century.
We celebrate our entire community and all of its accomplishments. We have many people from Harlem that have accomplished fantastic and marvelous things. We have one section dedicated to outstanding citizens that will rotate quarterly. Many people are recognized in their areas of expertise.
We show the progression from the first school bell ever used in Harlem through integration. We celebrate how far we've come while acknowledging the road still ahead.
We currently have a facility with exhibits, retail, and theater space. We show Laurel and Hardy movies and an 11 min biopic about Hardy during business hours and 2nd/3rd Run Movies on the lawn periodically.
Harlem is the Birthplace of Oliver Norvell Hardy. Through our exhibits, we tell the story of his life, Stan's life, the meeting of Stan Laurel and Ollie Hardy, their careers, and their cultural influence.
Primary sources provide first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. They are created by witnesses or recorders who experienced the events or conditions being documented. Often these sources are created at the time when the events or conditions are occurring, but primary sources can also include autobiographies, memoirs, and oral histories recorded later.
"Film Comic Stan Laurel dies at 74," Los Angeles Times, February 24, 1965
"Oliver Hardy of Famous Movies Comedy Team Dies," Los Angeles Times, August 8, 1957
Newspaper Clippings (unfortunately without dates or Newspaper Name)
The Augusta Chronicle
The Columbia County News Times
Northwest Evening Mail
The Augusta Herald
Columbia News Publishing
Various letters written or sent to Stan Laurel or Oliver Hardy
Typed Letter from Oliver Norvell Hardy to Althea Horne, dated Dec. 20, 1942 (Professionally framed with UV-blocking glass)
1986 Bid from Culpepper Motor Company
1978 Letter by Mayor Clary calling for a Department Head Meeting
This is your Life with Laurel & Hardy, filmed in 1954
*Any film with Stan Laurel and/or Oliver Norvell Hardy (you can see a full list on
*Oral History Interviews
"The Grand Lodge of Georgia Free and Accepted Masons 1786-1980." Macon, GA: The Masonic Home Print Shop, 1983.
"Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Georgia." Macon, GA: The Masonic Home Print Shop, 1902." " Rosier, William Henry, and Fred Lamar Pearson, Jr.
"Tracy's Pecan Products, Inc. Harlem, Georgia," 30 Nov. 1953, Account Book
"Harlem, Georgia, Columbia County, Economic Summary," booklet, Sept. 1963
"History of the Harlem Women's Club" by Bette Sargent, 1996
Secondary sources were created by someone who did not experience first-hand or participate in the events or conditions you’re researching. For a historical research project, secondary sources are generally scholarly books and articles. A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event. Secondary sources may contain pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources.
"Laurel or Hardy" by Rob Stone
"The Life and Times of Laurel and Hardy" by Ronald Bergen
"A Fine Mess" edited by Richard J. Anobile
"The Films of Laurel & Hardy" by Everson
"Stan and Ollie: The Roots of Comedy" by Simon Louvish
"Laurel & Hardy: The Magic Behind the Movies," by Randy Skretvedt
"Mr. Laurel & Mr. Hardy: an Affectionate Biography," by John McCabe
"Laurel and Hardy: The British Tours," by A.J. Marriot
"Babe: The Life of Oliver Hardy," by John McCabe
"History of the Harlem Women's Club," by Bette Sargent, 1996
"Tis Writ in Tears and Blood" by David Allan Butler
"Stan and Ollie" (2019)
"Mr. Laurel & Mr. Hardy: An Affectionate Biography," by John McCabe Plume Publishing
Sons of the Desert members (oral stories)
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